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Date:2021-09-30H.C. Andersen’s House officially joined Intl Network of Art & Science
Intl Network of Art and Science was established by Shanghai Art Collection Museum and other art and science organizations home and abroad. The Network aims to strengthen the cooperation and exchanges of experience in art and science popularization in various countries.
In the future, SACM will collaborate with H.C. Andersen’s House in exhibitions, publication, exchange of personnel, etc., under the framework of the MoU.
The new H.C. Andersen House, open to the public in summer 2021, comprises 18,000 square feet of immersive, artist-designed galleries, as well as a café and shop. It’s located in Anderson’s hometown of Odense behind a series of quaint yellow buildings that previously housed an older, humbler version of the museum. In true Andersen fashion, the museum only reveals its extravagance once you’re inside. The signing of MoU was fully supported by Royal Danish Consulate General in Shanghai.
SACM has been devoted to international exchange of culture, art and science for a decade. Our brand exhibitions including "Intl Children's Creative Art Exhibition" and "Intl Children's Art and Science Exhibition" have attracted children from more than 50 countries for 6 years. We hope with the accession of H.C. Andersen’s House, INAS will continue to make efforts in strengthening art and science exchanges between Shanghai and other countries.